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Fall of 2017

In the fall of 2017, the puppeteer and composer Roosa Halme, together with the puppeteer and psychologist Marja Susi, worked in Finland Proper care institutions, with funding from the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s Art for Institutions -grant. Based on their experiences during the period, they put together a guide with practical tips and views on why and how puppetry can be a great tool of interaction, for instance in social and heath care environments. Halme and Susi are interested in how the different forms and features of puppetry work when encountering individuals with challenges in expressing their emotions or thoughts verbally.


The project was realized in collaboration with Turun ensi- ja turvakoti ry refuge centre, Paimio support centre for people with disabilities, and Kotikunnas supported housing for the elderly. The material is available for download, free of charge. The source must be mentioned.


Kohtaamisia nukketeatterin keinoin: Kokemuksia vuorovaikutteisesta nukketeatterista (Puppetry as Encounter)

Download pdf (in Finnish)

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Photos: Jesper Dolgov and Jussi Virkkumaa
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